Non-Resident Importing

Benefits of becoming an
NRI in Canada

The Non-Resident (NRI) Importer Program

A Non-Resident Importer (NRI) is a business based outside of Canada, who does not have a physical existence in Canada, but imports goods into Canada as the Importer of Record.

Many International and U.S. businesses view NRI status as the best way to import products into Canada and reach Canadian consumers. Your Canadian customers no longer need to customs clear shipments entering Canada, which makes selling to Canadian companies a lot easier.

Benefits include:

  • Managing all import costs yourself ( Duty, Tax, Freight, Brokerage )
  • Your Canadian customers will no longer be burdened with managing customs clearance, duty, tax, and freight costs when buying your products.
  • Reduced supply chain expenses by managing costs and limiting carrier/broker involvement
  • By controlling the customs clearance and transportation services directly into Canada you can better control your supply chain costs.
  • Canadian competitor companies no longer have any import advantages
  • Your Canadian customers have better cost certainty when buying from you because your prices now include transportation costs, customs clearance fees, and duties and taxes in your selling price.
  • Meet the needs of Canadian Customers with no physical presence in Canada
  • It will appear to Canadian customers that your company has operations in Canada when you can handle delivery right to their door.
  • Better supply chain control
  • All supply chain decisions are now controlled by you. Change transportation and customs brokers as you see fit.